AMQP Concepts

AMQP is the message bus used by beetle to publish and receive messages. This page provides you with some information to help you to understand how the wiring in Beetle basically works. One of the major strengths of AMQP is that it is flexibly configurable via the protocol itself. That means there is no need for server restarts if something gets changed.

Of course this introduction only covers the basics, so if you want to fully understand how AMQP works, we can highly recommend to read the extremly well written and understandable AMQP specs.

The Ruby libraries currently used by Beetle are based on the 0.8 version of the spec. However, you can safely read the 0.10 version, because the differences to 0.8 aren’t critical in our case and it’s a way better read.

Message Broker

The message broker is the messaging middleware between clients that communicate via AMQP messaging. There are some popular implementations of AMQP message brokers available. RabbitMQ is our broker of choice, because it is easy to setup, highly reliable, resource friendly and comes with no other requirement than Erlang.


The message is the actual payload together with headers and a routing key. A message is always sent with a routing key, which is used to determine in which queue(s) a message will end up finally. The header contains some data used by the broker and clients as well as optional custom user data.


You never send messages directly to queues. That would actually be contrary to the idea of loose cupling you generally want to achieve with an infrastracutre heavily based on messaging. Messages are send to exchanges instead and eventually routed to one or more queues. Depending on the type of the exchange, the routing is handled by a simple routing key, a topic routing key or simply by distributing the message to every queue that is bound to the exchange.

Topic exchanges

In this brief introduction we’ll only discuss topic exchanges since they are currently the only type of exchanges used by Beetle.

Topic exchanges handle routing of messages by the message routing key. Other than the direct exchanges that check for equality of routing keys to the keypattern with whom a queue is bound to the exchange, topic exchanges support nested topics/namespaces for messages.

Let’s refer to the AMQP specification which has an excellent example that describes the behaviour of topic exchanges quite well:

The binding key is formed using zero or more tokens, with each token delimited by the ’.’ char. The binding key MUST be specified in this form and additionally supports special wild-card characters: ’*’ matches a single word and ’#’ matches zero or more words.

Thus the binding key “*.stock.#” matches the routing keys “usd.stock” and “eur.stock.db” but not “stock.nasdaq”.


Queues are the endpoint in the message system. A client can only receive messages if he is in some way subscribed to a queue. There is no way to listen to an exchange directly. Therefore the queue has to be bound to the exchange with a rule (the binding key) that determines which messages get routed to the queue.

If more than one client subscribes to a queue, the broker decides which client receives which message. So a message in a queue is only received by one listener of the queue, never multiple ones (there are exceptions for un-acked messages that get requeued by calling “recover” on the connection or when the client disconnects).

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